Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Small Goals Theory

Well, it's not my theory, but whatever.

So I will have my AA in Human Services in less than a year, and I'll have my BA in Human Services with a minor in Management in three years. This seems fucking insurmountable, and I could easily get really pissed at myself that I'll be 31 by the time I obtain what most people achieve by 22.

But I won't (deep zen breathing).

I thought it would be neat if by the time I graduated college (with honors, naturally)I'd be at my goal weight (150-ish). I could go on my interviews in slick suits and be taken more seriously, because, let's face it, employers judge fat people just like the rest of the world. If I want to be a success in my chosen career field, I'll need to play their game.

But when I think "Three years...140 pounds..." I get discouraged. Even though I've been getting good grades thus far (you wanna talk about one day at a time, let's talk about online accelerated classes. Fuck me, I'm no dummy, but these are TOUGH), and losing weight at a frustratingly slow pace, but it's better than flunking human Service Administration Practices and gaining thirteen pounds.

So this week, my goals are as follows:

1. All assignments turned in ON TIME (you'd be amazed at how many I've turned in late and as a result get a "B" instead of an "A"
2. Exercise three times this week (and not overdo it or kill myself, I've really gotta knock off this all or nothing bullshit I gravitate towards, especially since I favor the nothing over the all when it comes to moving my ass around)
3. Keep the calories at or under 2,000 per day. When I dropped those fifty or so pounds right before Dean and I met, it wasn't through not eating bread or pasta, it was by counting my calories and having my friend Kurt weigh me in once a week. Wow, that weight flew off!

If I do these, there's no way that I can't finish off my current block of classes with A's and drop another pound or two this week.

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